
Lead Bioinformatician at Quantro Therapeutics
- Planning and setup of the cloud-based production-grade computational environment for concurrent processing of >100k targeted SLAM-seq libraries.
- Leading the computational development of the innovative time-resolved high-throughput transcriptomics QUANTROseq drug discovery platform.
- Machine-learning driven identification of highly-selective transcriptional fingerprints of disease causing transcription factors in our reference compound datasets.
- Building and leading QUANTRO's computational team.
- Planning and overseeing QUANTRO's IT and computational infrastructure and processes.

Senior Bioinformatician at the IMP Research Institute for Molecular Pathology
- Lead bioinformatics method and algorithm development for the SLAM-seq sequencing technology.
- Development a cloud-computing virus screening pipeline on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that scales to big data, analysing the entire 11,000 patient samples (100 TB raw data) of The Cancer Genome Atlas .
- Design of the genome-wide Vienna sgRNA libraries for pooled CRISPR screens.
- Co-development of the VBC score for selection of sgRNAs that effectively produce loss-of-function alleles.
- Technology development on the Oxford Nanopore Sequencing platform to detect translocations at single-base pair resolution genome-wide.
- Member of the Vienna Covid-19 Detection Initiative (VCDI) performing comparative genomics of > 5M sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes worldwide to identify conserved domains for sensitive primer design to detect COVID-19 infections, de-novo assembly and quantification of viral RNAs for primer target selection for sensitive SARS-CoV-2 detection.
- Project supervision and mentoring of Bioinformatics Master students:
- CRISPRepo: database and front-end development for integrating, visualizing and querying CRISPR screening data and metadata.
- Characterization of replication origins: Method development for and integration of DNA replication origin mapping (SNS-seq), replication timing sequencing (RepliSeq), genome-wide chromatin contact mapping (HiC) and ChIP-Seq data.

Contractor for Lexogen GmbH
- Lead development of the SLAMdunk product backend.
- Optimizing and porting established variant-callers for nucleotide-conversion detection.
- Containerization of so ware packages using Docker.
- Deployment of Docker containers on the Bluebee private cloud platform .
- License assessment and resource benchmarking .

Bioinformatician at Sophia Genetics SA
- Lead development, maintenance and optimization of a targeted gene sequencing and exome-sequencing pipeline building system forming the bioinformatics backend of the Sophia DDM ® SaaS platform .
- Tailoring pipelines for diagnostic gene panel kits on various sequencing platforms (Roche 454 / ionTorrentPGM / Illumina MiSeq) for major hospitals and labs in Switzerland and across Europe .
- Conducting genetic test kit validation studies with key diagnostic kit developer sat European level .
- Product presentations for prospective and established customers and on conferences .

Bioinformatician at the Max Perutz Laboratories
- De-novo genome assembly of Clunio marinus:
- Contig assembly, filtering and completeness assessment
- Setup of the de-novo gene annotation pipeline and genome browser (MAKER,GMOD)
- Scaffold N50 of 1.9Mb, 98 % completeness.
- Better assembly quality than honeybee, Tribolium or the monarch butterly.
- Served as basis to unravel the genomic basis of circadian and circalunar timing adaptations.
- Hosted at ClunioBase and published in Nature.

Project student at the Center for Integrative Bioinformatics Vienna
- Massive parallelization of sequence alignments on the CPU and cluster
https://github.com/t-neumann/versalignLib - Software development of an evaluation framework for reference-mapping software.
- De-novo transcriptome assembly of RNA-seq data for Idiosepius pygmaeus.
Research intern at the SBC Stockholm Bioinformatics Center
- Network analysis of the gene interaction database FunCoup to in-silico identify and evaluate novel neurodegenerative disease candidate genes.
PhD in Molecular Biosciences, Arndt von Haeseler Group, University Vienna
Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics, Medical University Vienna
Erasmus Semester at the Stockholm Bioinformatics Center, Stockholm, Sweden
Bachelor’s Degree in Bioinformatics, University for Applied Sciences Hagenberg
Computers skills
• Programming
C/C++, Java
• Scripting
Python, R/Bioconductor, Bash, Perl
• Versioning
Git, SVN
• Containers
Docker, Singularity
• Platforms
Linux, Mac OS X, AWS, Windows
• Building
CMake, Maven
• Frameworks
EJB / CDI, Hibernate / JPA, JSF + PrimeFaces
• Parallelization